We know how to produce accurate financial statements and accounting metrics, and by doing so, we strongly believe that we bring value in the decision-making process of their users.

We know how to produce accurate financial statements and accounting metrics, and by doing so, we strongly believe that we bring value in the decision-making process of their users.

Supervisory Auditor

We truly believe that financial reporting should be accurate for stakeholders to take appropriate decisions. We act as independent supervisory auditors (“commissaire aux comptes”) and review the work as produced by third-party service providers, or inside accounting teams. Our review ends with a comprehensive management letter with factual findings, in order to help the management team to improve the financial statement close process should we identify significant matters during our review.


Equipped with a renowned professional consolidation software, we can prepare the consolidated financial statements of your international business. We manage the whole process, from initiation and data collection to the external auditing and final reporting:

  • Establishment of consolidated financial statements under LuxGAAPs, IFRS or other local GAAPs
  • Preparation of reporting packages for group reporting purposes
  • Assistance in the redaction of group accounting manuals
  • Communication and coordination with external auditors

Management accounting

The deliverables produced by our team are key when it comes to investment decisions made by our clients and their external funds providers. Our tailor-made management reports are used by our clients to successfully lead their business:

  • Tailor-made management reports, cash-flow statements, budgets, and other reporting tools
  • GAAP conversion

We are continuously investing in state-of-art reporting tools and can provide: 

  • Portfolio reporting for your financial investments
  • Access to our tool to integrate your companies and related budget (preparation and follow-up on actuals)

Our other services


Bespoke services in HR management, risk management and business transactions


We ensure a sound administration of our clients’ businesses.


From the incorporation till the day-to-day management of companies

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